Teen Whose Legs Were Crushed By a 3000 Pound Boulder is Doing Well.
This is a picture of a teenager who had an unfortunate accident, December 3, 2011. A 3,000 pound bolder rolled over both of his legs. The left leg had two compound fractures. The right leg was broken, the ankle, heel and all five toes were broken. The artery was severed at the ankle and he nearly bled to death.
The following morning he had emergency surgery on his left leg that resulted in massive swelling.
In an effort to reduce swelling and with the doctor's support an EyeOn treated blanket was wrapped around his left leg and two EyeOn hand towels were placed around his right ankle.
Within a twenty-four hour period the swelling in his left leg subsided. The pain decreased so much that the morphine drip was halted. The doctors were amazed with the results.
The big toe on his right foot couldn't be saved and was amputated. The post-op swelling was once again returned to normal through the use of the EyeOn blanket.
Yesterday, I was given a big hug and a thank you from the uncle of the young teenager who is presently doing very well.